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2016-02-13 21:47:18
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Owner: Bookwyrm
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Welcome, Elfpacker, to the Giffie-Pet store!
We have fuzzy-wuzzies and creepy-crawlies galore--
Pets that crawl and some that soar!
This is a special place filled with magic and lore,
All bets are off when you walk through our door!
So come on in and have a look around,
You can even adopt from our Giffie-Pet Pound.
Just keep in mind that you can only choose one!
Make your choice wisely and when you're all done,
You'll have a special friend to show off to everyone!

Custom Poetry by [Deg]! Thanks to her!



This is the place to get your very own Giffie-Pet. You need to choose carefully as you can only have one to begin with! Think about the name you want to give it as it can't be changed without a Name Change Token from the Tog Shop.

If you don't see any here that you like, you might want to check the Giffie-Pet Pound as well, or wait for the next batch of pets to come from the Normal Pet Storehouse.

When you have chosen the pet you want, edit this page using the 'ADV EDIT' button to add your username link (your username in the [] tags) below the pet you'd like to adopt. Don't forget to add the name you want to give it.

Do not edit anything else! If a pet isn't in stock, you can't request it. If you are unsure about editing the wiki, make your request in the comment box.



Himalayan Cat

Siamese Cat

Basset Hound

Cute Red Fox
1) [lulu dinobot] Todd.
2) [AdamTheChespin] Tommy.

Grey Rat

Leopard Gecko

Milk Snake

Green Parakeet




Round Hermit Crab

Monarch Butterfly
1)[Hollylocks] ChickenPie


Killer Rabbit



Please be sure you have read Owning a Giffie-Pet before asking how to do something! If you still need help join the forum at <joinforum:195:pets> (Giffie-Pet Chat and Question Area)

The Giffie-Pet Staff are willing to answer your questions in the comments or forum if you need to know something that isn't covered in the wiki.



Store Update!

We're back open for business! Enjoy.


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2008-06-18 [phoenixborn]: *grabs tape...tapes witchys hands behind her back* Hehe >:3

Yus Danny, Scott plays CoD4. He has always refused to play me cause he's scared he'l be humiliated :P Actually for once I hope he doesn't see that and take it as a challenge I suck atm but am getting better again lol

2008-06-19 [Pua]: ROCK BAND!! ^_^

2008-06-19 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: "Actually for once I hope he doesn't see that and take it as a challenge I suck atm but am getting better again lol"

Yeah.. say that where he can see... that was reaaaaaaal genius right there xD

2008-06-19 [Bookwyrm]: -slams double-fist into Twiglet's stomach-...-mumbles something profane behind tape-

-twitches nose and tape disappears from her altogether- Sheesh...-_-

Well, if he did see that he might not let you come see me. So hope he doesn't get on Elfpack any time soon. :P Other than that he can't really take it as a challenge just yet. We don't have any internet. Well, we do, but it's a Verizon Wireless card and it doesn't broadcast only works on our laptop. -_- So we can't play our online games. /whine

Rock band...-ignores- :P

2008-06-19 [phoenixborn]: Rock Have 5starred every single song on hard and only have one song left to complete on expert ^___^ On guitar that is. Not quite so far on drums :( lol I've said bad enough things when he's been there before, and I even sent him a message myself once. And still nothing :P

2008-06-19 [Bookwyrm]: That is because you have no life. :P You are redeemed, however, because you play a real instrument, and I love you. :P

2008-06-19 [phoenixborn]: I play several real instruments thankyou, and I love you too :) Dammit I got called away by hal for half an hour I hoped you'd still be here when I got back :(

2008-06-19 [Andy8178]: Witchy is jealous

2008-06-19 [phoenixborn]: Of what? The fact she sucks At Guitar Hero and Rock Band? XD

2008-06-20 [Pua]: love both! and i play piano ^_^  

-i get ignored all the time. tis no big

2008-06-20 [phoenixborn]: I always wanted to play piano *is sad*

2008-06-20 [Pua]: theres no time like the present ^_^

2008-06-20 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: God i sucked at playing piano xD..

though i suck at most things... Specially david..



2008-06-20 [phoenixborn]: No Jackie, you suck up to me, in the hope that one day you will get to suck at me XD

2008-06-20 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: i dont suck up to you xD..

i hate you.

in the really i love you way xD

2008-06-21 [Bookwyrm]: -glares at Jackie- If you so much as TOUCH David I will lose whatever piece of you is touching him. And I mean WHATEVER piece. -end over-reaction- :P So there. -hug- ^_^

I suck at Guitar Hero 'cause I rock enough not to want to make a fool of myself playing a fake guitar. XD As far as Rock Band goes, I could DEFINITELY do the drum part and singing part...I've played drums my whole life, and when I took piano and choir I had to sing. :P But far as the fake guitars...I suck because I rock enough not to make myself look like a fool. :P Though I have no problems watching other people make fools of themselves on the things. It's actually pretty entertaining. Not as entertaining as watching two drunk idiots try to coordinate playing Halo 2...but still. XD

Witchy is jealous 24/7, this is not news. XD

P.S. I play piano too! Or I used to...when I had a piano...-is sad now-

2008-06-21 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: says the one with the husband?... like id actually touch david anyway even if i could?

2008-06-21 [Bookwyrm]: Yus, I have a very non-jealous husband. XD And I know what goes on in that head of just know that I know what you think you know. -taps side of head- I'm watching you. :P

2008-06-21 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: O.O... uhm.. ok xD

you do know.. nothing really goes on in my head.. well.. at certain times its time to feed the crickets.. but thats about it

2008-06-21 [phoenixborn]: Non-jealous husband. That's certainly one way of putting it :P

Jackie, touch me all you want in your head. There it shall stay :P
As for me lots goes on in my head. It's actually getting quite distressing, my thoughts are getting less organised. Seriously I've started thinking several things at once, all the time. And not in a normal multitasking kind of way, in a "actually I have no idea what I'm thinking about at any one time" kind of way lol

2008-06-22 [Bookwyrm]: H'oh yus, Jackie, I know. I know the inner-workings of the majority of the male brain. Y'all are lucky. Y'all can shut your's off. -_- Honestly...that's not an insult. XD

-grins at David-

Ah, sweetie...welcome to my entire life. I can't organize anything. Ever. Especially not now. x_X Hell, I can't even hardly play Neopets (my crack) anymore...I can't figure out anything. It's all...very confusing. Twiglet, you and I must be on the same wavelength. Which is frightening. o.O I never thought I'd be on YOUR wavelength. -shivers-

2008-06-22 [phoenixborn]: XD However you do not know the inner workings of my brain. I'm a notoriously hard person to fathom out :P And I do not think like a typical male. Well, only sometimes lol

Aw poor you...No neopets :P How do you feel for me? Neopets is your crack. My crack is...well, crack actually XD But babe we've always been on the wavelength and you know it. We just come at it from different angles is all :P

2008-06-22 [shinobi14]: Okay.... lots to comment on.

To Jackie: ... You're an idiot.... ^-^ Yeah, I think that just about got it. ^___^

To David: Guitar Hero and Rock Band both suck balls. Why bother playing them when you can just play the guitar? No point, I say!! And I will be whipping you like a horse soon, David. Don't you worry your little head. *pats*

To Traceh: You don't remember?!? Gah. Quotage:

"rolls eyes- Snog if. I know you have NO interest in me, it's all about the hubby. :P You're just trying to get in a good standing with me so you'll be in the position to snog him. :P"


Neopets. I used to play that when I was about 11. Then I grew up a bit. XD I guess it is a girl thing. =]

Oh, and David doesn't play as many real instruments as you think... Bass guitar doesn't count. XD Or as I call it "fools guitar". :D

2008-06-22 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: just when i was banking on ONE person being nice to me xD.. i guess i really am an idiot

2008-06-22 [Bookwyrm]: I know some of the inner workings of your brain, Twiglet, otherwise I wouldn't be able to tease you so. XD

Neopets is one of my other drugs typically involve people. XD Anywho, yes, I suppose your right. Same wavelength, different angles. I wonder if we'll ever meet up on it though? :P

AMEN to the why bother playing the game when you can play the instrument statement. -is incredibly..ah..curious about..the whipping like horse statement- XD

No, I didn't remember. XD Pah, please, we all know that when stood next to each other my humble beauty pales in comparison to the magnificence that is my husband! -snorts- Okay, I really went too far with that one...-busts a lung- XD

Actually, I know a few guys that play Neopets as adults. Typically they're fathers or grandfathers. :) Most of the people that I play with on Neopets are military wives and mothers. It's more of a need for intelligent conversation in a utopian-like society where things such as politics, religion, foul language, etc. is banned. Sure, we all need to talk about these things sometimes, but it's nice to have an escape from all the troubles in the world, and where your biggest worry/drama is someone stealing your account so you have to start all over earning your "dream pets." :P I mean,'s an excellent escape with good people in it who are wonderful to talk to. Can't go wrong with that. I let the "it's such a kid thing" ideal stop bothering me when I realized that being an adult sucks, so what's wrong with having fun tapping into your inner-child? XD

I <3 acoustic guitar. They steal my heart. <333 Mmm...-goes to drool over Antonio Banderas in Desperado and Once Upon A Time In Mexico.

2008-06-23 [Pua]: /offers you a tissue... or a bucket ^_^

2008-06-23 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: O.O.. i just skim read that xD

2008-06-23 [phoenixborn]: XD It's not my brain you have to know the workings of to tease me sugar ~_^

YOu know we will silly :P Just it has once again become a "at some point" kind of thing again :(

It's totally different to playing guitar O.o That's like saying why play neopets when you could just go out and get a cat. Wait...Who is whippijng who in your thoughts here Witchy? O.O

Yes sugar, you pale into insignificance next to him, but that's only because everyones view of you is obscured by his massive ego blocking out the sunlight XD

2008-06-23 [Bookwyrm]: -cannot help but ignore everything else that has been said for that last sentence-

David, if you weren't already my favourite person on the planet, that just won you the spot. Seriously. I <3 you. XD -is crying from laughter-

2008-06-23 [phoenixborn]: Lies, you'd still take Johnny Depp or Antonio Banderas over me :P But I <3 you too *smiles*

2008-06-24 [Bookwyrm]: not really. Johnny Depp likely has slept with half the universe...I'm not up for social diseases. And Antonio Banderas...well, quite possibly the same as Depp but more than that I just don't think that would work out. Trust me on that. XD

Now if I could snag a Johnny Depp look-a-like with Antonio Banderas' accent who could (and loves to) play acoustic guitar and serenade me for no reason but that he loves me. Oh and a nice big...>.> paycheck...yeah...then you might be in trouble. XD

Or a HAWT Irish guy with a great voice and guitar skills. -grins- Just kidding...although, if anyone here has seen P.S. I Love can't blame me for the mention. :P

2008-06-24 [Pua]: AMEN!! a lot of men for that matter. was a really good movie

2008-06-24 [phoenixborn]: Wo0t! SO basically most of ireland gets you before I do. Fantastic...

2008-06-24 [Bookwyrm]: That was an amazing movie. Although, I watched it a second time with my grandmother (she wanted to see it), but I don't think I should've let her. She lost her husband last year. x_x So she took it even harder than I did. Personally I could watch that movie over and over, as long as I had a never-ending box of tissues. XD Especially the bit with the hot Irish ass. XD God I'm so deprived...T_T

Nah...-snuggles Twiglet- 'Cause the thing is, I've already broken you in to my insane jealousy and ridiculousness. I'd rather not go break in anyone else until I have to. :P

2008-06-24 [phoenixborn]: I shall not watch it. I not watch girl movie. I man *waves club*

*snuggles* Indeed, most others would run screaming, is that it? :P I think any man would put up with it for the rest of you anyway :P

2008-06-24 [Bookwyrm]: I don't ask you to watch it. Just like I didn't ask Scott to watch it. I'd rather watch it myself, because I enjoy it more. :P Especially the hot Irish ass. :P

Most others WOULD run screaming. I know mine would if he weren't touched in the head. :P I think you're very, very wrong. XD

2008-06-25 [Bookwyrm]: ...<.< Steve the Egg, Steve the Egg, how'd he wear pants without no legs? Steve the Egg! Steve the Egg! He woke up next to sausages! o.o

2008-06-26 [phoenixborn]: He thinks he's got problems. I've woken up to far worse than sausages. A few pigs perhaps. if they count XD

2008-06-26 [Bookwyrm]: He never said he had problems, if I remember. He was laid by a moo-cow, wore pants, suspenders, and a tie, and he only washed his face on the fifth of July...but he never said he had problems. :P

Pigs are the beginning of most sausages. x_X

2008-06-26 [phoenixborn]: Perhaps, but the line "How d'you wear pants without no legs" implies he may have difficulty wearing the aforementioned pants, thus creating a problem. So bite me ;)

I know that....that was the point of the joke *rolls eyes* <3

2008-06-30 [ShadowSong]: someone needs to take one of the slugs... geeze!

2008-06-30 [shinobi14]: David... How does your house remain structually sound? I would have thought that your sheer awesomeness would have broken down your walls, as buildings just can't hold all the awesome. XD Fantastic witty banter there, from our very own David Freath, everybody!! *cheer* =D

Witchy, we know you have your needs too, but enough of this "hot Irish ass". Unless, of course, we are talking about female hot Irish ass. Then I am all up for discussion. *drools*

And yes, David. I haven't watched it either, and with no intention of watching it. =S Chick flicks are devil work. ;)

2008-06-30 [Bookwyrm]: Implies that he "may" was your own statement there. Which means he may or may not have said problems. :P You assumed he had problems without knowing for sure that he had any. :P

Well I didn't find it funny. :P

I keep saying that unfurry things take longer to get picked up. :P

2008-06-30 [phoenixborn]: So long As I'm In the house it's fine. My sheer awesomeness attracts all of the pieces of house so that they can't fall away. If I go out my house falls down.

You know Witchy? Having taken you four days to think of a reply I would have thought you'd have come back with something better than that :P

Precisely. I mean have you ever tried picking up a slug? It's like trying to pick up wet soap that got sneezed on. By someone with a particularly bad cold.

2008-06-30 [Bookwyrm]: Mmmm...-tries to figure out a way to temporarily remove Twiglet's awesomeness so his house will fall on him-

Actually it didn't take me four days to think of a took me four days to remember you'd posted that. I ignored it at first. XD

Chick flicks are devil work? What about all the crap men watch? And don't tell me that at least half the stuff y'all watch isn't crap. -_- I know, I have to sit through a lot of it, and it's crap with boobs. And I will not stop speaking of this "hot Irish ass." :P After centuries of men staring at my tits instead of my eyes, and of pinching my ass instead of shaking my hand, it's my divine right as a woman to stare at a man's ass with cheap, vulgar appreciation. -nods decisively-

Eww...Twiglet...I didn't need to read that. XD

2008-06-30 [shinobi14]: I didn't even kn ow you had boobs, Witchy. I've only seen your face... and that was in photos. =S

2008-06-30 [Bookwyrm]: Ask Twiglet if I have boobs. XD

And I mean men in general. Trust me, if I go out the door it's the once-over followed up by "Hey little mama -insert something vulgar here-" Mind you, I guess it's better than being ignored altogether, but I still claim to have the divine right to stare right back when I have one supreme specimen of man-meat in front of me. :P

2008-06-30 [phoenixborn]: *is clearly not a supreme specimen of man-meat* T__T

Yes Danny, she has boobs. Just take my word for it. She is, in fact, roughly 90% boob. XD

2008-06-30 [Bookwyrm]: -pokes and prods David gently- Oh I don't know, I'd say you're a damn fine specimen. I drool over you enough.

90% boob. OMG...-laughs uncontrollably- I luff you.

2008-06-30 [phoenixborn]: Damn fine, perhaps, but not supreme :(

Well yesm, I had to leave at least 10% for your pretty face :P

2008-06-30 [Bookwyrm]: You're supreme in my eyes. <3

At least you gave me that much. XD I know people who ignore that altogether...:P

2008-06-30 [phoenixborn]: Yes well, you're forgetting, I fell in love with you when your face was all I had seen :)

2008-06-30 [Bookwyrm]: -drags you into giffie-closet-...That did it!

2008-06-30 [phoenixborn]: *blinks innocently* did what?

2008-06-30 [Bookwyrm]: Innocent my ass. :P You're about as far from innocent as they come! If there ever were an ultimate sin, you'd be it. :P

2008-06-30 [phoenixborn]: I still don't see why I deserve to be left in the closet :P

2008-06-30 [Bookwyrm]: You're not left in the closet. :P You're so dense sometimes...-pats you-

2008-06-30 [phoenixborn]: Nope. I never said I thought I was alone in the closet :P

2008-06-30 [Bookwyrm]: You said you were left in the closet. Oop! Look who's assuming now! -points to self-...-glomps you-

2008-06-30 [phoenixborn]: ...Yoou know, what does Glomp even mean? :P

2008-07-01 [Bookwyrm]: Glomp = a playful tackle-hug thing...sometimes sexual, sometimes just friendly. Depends on who you're talking to really. :P

2008-07-01 [phoenixborn]: See that's the way I always interpreted it. But there's alwas been that little niggling worry that I cold be horribly horribly wrong XD

2008-07-01 [Bookwyrm]: -giggles- No, you're not. Though I'm sure some horrible people have thought of new uses for the word, that's the most commonly used meaning for it. :P

2008-07-01 [phoenixborn]: FOr me it conjures Images of somebody just opening thier mouth and swallowing some poor bastard whole XD

2008-07-01 [Bookwyrm]: LMAO! That's terrifying...I suppose I won't use that term around you then. XD

2008-07-01 [phoenixborn]: No no it's fine I want you to still use it. Besides with you the prospect of swallowing whole takes on a whole new meaning XD

2008-07-01 [Bookwyrm]: -giggles uncontrollably- And this is (one reason) why I love you. XD

2008-07-01 [shinobi14]: Shhh!! Guys!! Take it somewhere else! XD XD I love you both, though.

David, if army guy logs on... your legs are broken. >.<

*much love*

And... 90%? Verrry impressive. ;)

2008-07-01 [Bookwyrm]: Hmm? Why would an army guy break his legs? o.O -confuzzled-

I didn't even realize they were 90% of me. I'm surprised myself. XD

2008-07-01 [odeg]: I don't understand something. I see people with the pets on their treasury and I wanted one. Well I guess I got it since now it says I own Winston: The Jelly-Fish! :D. But when I go to my page I don't see it. Do I have to do something else or can I just not see it but everyone else?

2008-07-02 [Pua]: you dont exactly have it yet. he hasnt been delivered to you.

2008-07-02 [Bookwyrm]: Right, like [Pua] said, it hasn't been delivered to you yet. Deliveries will be made as soon as possible. Please be patient. :)

2008-07-02 [phoenixborn]: XD We love you too sugar <33

XD No, if Army Guy logs on the worst that can happen is I'll get insulted. And I've yet to meet one man who can out-insult me XD Plus don't call him Army Guy. It conjures images of Peter Griffin in Combats and a Beret XD

2008-07-02 [Bookwyrm]: -feels all loved- Peter in Combats and a Beret.

2008-07-02 [phoenixborn]: Yes, peter in combats and a beret? Any point or are you just repeating me now? :P

2008-07-02 [Bookwyrm]: Just repeating you. ^_^

2008-07-02 [phoenixborn]: Or are you now Picturing Scott as Peter Griffin? In case you didn't realise it was him Danny was referring to lol

2008-07-02 [Bookwyrm]: Scott does remind me of Peter...a lot. A much skinnier Peter. :P Mostly I was repeating you because I was on the phone, had an IM open, and was trying to respond to you too. XD I was confused.

2008-07-02 [phoenixborn]: Nah. Peter is awesome :P

2008-07-02 [Bookwyrm]: XD

2008-07-03 [phoenixborn]: peter is awesome I said. Not Scott :P

2008-07-03 [Bookwyrm]: XD Nice return. I still say no. Unless we're counting the uncapitalized Peter. :P

2008-07-03 [phoenixborn]: It wasn't a return, I was reiterating what I already meant. Hence I said "Nah, Peter is awesome". Dumbass <333

2008-07-04 [shinobi14]: Awwww!!1 *pets Traceh* Poor love. You're not a dumbass, are you? *pets*

Army guy? Haha... I know what you mean. XD Okay. What about "toy soldier"?

2008-07-04 [phoenixborn]: See that remind me of Tin Toy, and he is not just awesome, but a little noisy god ^__^

2008-07-06 [shinobi14]: I have no idea what you're on about there, David. =S

2008-07-06 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: i just havnt been reading.. ive let them do their thing xD

2008-07-06 [phoenixborn]: Tin Toy was the second thing ever made by Pixar after Luxor and Luxor Junior (i.e the lamp for those of you uncultured enough not to know :P). Also if you watch Toy story in the bit where Woody is having the meeting with all the other toys at the start. the biggest book on the shelf behind him says "Tin Toy". This is just one of a host of interesting and wonderfully useless facts that litter my otherwise empty head *nods* XD Oh and Pixar always include refernces to previous movies in thier films e.g in Finding Nemo, there is a brief shot of a Toy Box in the dentists, and lying in front of it is a Buzz Lightyear ^__^

2008-07-07 [Bookwyrm]: -is not a dumbass-...-kicks David...hard- :P

-ignores the rest 'cause she's too tired-

2008-07-07 [Bookwyrm]: Deliveries made! ^_^

2008-07-07 [My Sky's The Limit]: Go Witchy :3~ ♥

2008-07-07 [phoenixborn]: You can be a dumbass sometimes, as can I :P

2008-07-07 [shinobi14]: Yay! Go Witchy! =D

2008-07-09 [My Sky's The Limit]: -throws confetti- :D

2008-07-09 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: *looks around*..

*sigh*.. *says with no enthusiasm*... gooo witchy... *pulls a party popper then waves a little flag*

xD <3.

2008-07-09 [My Sky's The Limit]: What a party-pooper >:[

2008-07-09 [Big Brother]: Tracy, i think we need to hire someone....

2008-07-09 [phoenixborn]: werl...I got hired for the EP quotes contest then seem to have had it nicked off me so I'm more or less unemployed? XD

2008-07-09 [Big Brother]: you should first know what the job is......and i'll be picky on this one....

2008-07-09 [phoenixborn]: All depends on the job you are offering :P But I don't have the privs to edit peoples pages if it would require that

2008-07-10 [Big Brother]: nope, no priv needed....and it's not a job here.

2008-07-10 [Bookwyrm]: Okay--I'm going to need some clarification. -dead tired- XD

2008-07-10 [XxbekahxX]: hey..i need to give back my pet..since im leaving elfpack..thanks.

2008-07-10 [Big Brother]: but i don't wanna clarify....

2008-07-10 [phoenixborn]: ....*questions appearance of Traci with no message to me* T__T

And [XxbekahxX] no worries your pet will run away by itself :)

2008-07-10 [shinobi14]: Wow... [Big Brother] kept that very vague. ^__^

2008-07-10 [phoenixborn]: "That firegypsy" XD You mean Sasha, and yes, but only a little :P

2008-07-10 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: i dont talk to her. i dont feel like i should get to use her name haha

but she really does haha.. are we sure she's not?

2008-07-10 [phoenixborn]: XD You're not really missing out XD You can ask her yourself, but prepare to lose your balls if it's not XD

2008-07-10 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: ive already asked her..

but she hasnt been on in like.. just over 2 months

2008-07-10 [Bookwyrm]: That cheers me up. ^_^ Also, again I ask you not to post gigantic pictures here. Next time I'll castrate you. ^_^

-clings to Twiglet- I sowwy. My Granny, Mom, brother, sister, husband, and myself (bah...long list) all went to a water park yesterday and I was so tired...I logged in to check my messages and things but I had 13 messages, several wikis to check, and several forum messages to roll through...I just gave up and went to bed. XD Pwease forgive me?

2008-07-10 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: sorry haha..

2008-07-10 [phoenixborn]: Aw but Witchy I thought you loved Sasha? :P

Mmhmm And yet whenver I'm away for a while I always check for messages from you before I do anything else. Clearly I find you more special than you find me... :P But yus, I forgive you <3

2008-07-11 [shinobi14]: Of course. I was convinced that Traci and Sasha were bestest of buddies, am I right Witchy? XD

2008-07-11 [shinobi14]: Oh, and deliveries will be made tomorrow. =] And I'm on holiday from the 14th to the 25th. XD

2008-07-12 [Bookwyrm]: -brandishes rusty poker at David and Danny- Watch your tongues or I'll cut them out. :P

-huggles- I sowwy. :( I'm an idiot. T_T

Okay Danny! I'll keep things running while your gone. :D

2008-07-12 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: and again folks its another inside joke between the trio xD

2008-07-14 [phoenixborn]: Again, the misuse of pokers! You need a rusty scalpel to cut our tongues out. You're no good at this whole abuse thing are you? :P

You know what's really annoying? When you go for the sympathy vote to get out of trouble. You know what's more annoying? ...I'm a sucker for it every time XD I love you it's fine you ish not an idiot *snug*

What do you mean "folks"? There's only us here XD

2008-07-14 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: Big brother commented earlier

2008-07-14 [Bookwyrm]: I shall use my pokers how I deem fit! And no, I'm really not good at abuse. T_T I have a guilty conscience. :P

-giggles and snugs- That's why I use it. ^_^

Yus Jon needs to mail me and tell me what he was talking about. -_-

2008-07-15 [phoenixborn]: ....O.O I'm not sure I want to know how you deem fit to use your pokers XD Oh I'm sure you could be good at abuse in the right situations ^__~

You're incredibly mean to me, you know that right? :P

Jon does not count as "folks". He is not like normal people XD

2008-07-15 [shinobi14]: Yeah... I agree with that. He's nice, but it doesn't make him normal. XD

Pokers? Nevaarrr!!! >=D

2008-07-16 [phoenixborn]: ...Pokers would be a great battle cry don't you think? Can you imagine how terrifying it would be if someone ran at you screaming "POOOOKERRRSS!!!"? XD But not as good as "FISHSTICKS!".

2008-07-16 [Bookwyrm]: I'm good at abuse in an odd sort of way. o.o 'Tis complicated.

Yes, I do know that. I also know you wouldn't have me any other long as you could have me. XD're probably right. He is Jon-kitty. =^____^=

I think it would be impressive to see someone charge in yelling "Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious" personally...mind you, they'd be out of breath by the time they got to their enemy.

2008-07-17 [phoenixborn]: ....Well i've got all day for you to explain it to me? :P

True, If I could have you in any way I wanted I still wouldn't have you any other way <3

He's something, but that's not quite what I had in mind lol

Nah that's just silly. "POKERS!!!" strikes fear in a sort of "Holy Shit, this nigga's crazy!" Kind of way XD

2008-07-17 [Bookwyrm]: Yus but that would require that I understand it enough to explain it. And I don't. You should now that by now. XD


Perhaps not, but that's what he is. :P

-kicks you in the shins- I don't like the 'n' word. -_-

2008-07-18 [phoenixborn]: I do, but it's funny to see you try :P


He's not a kitty! For one thing, I like kitties :P

...You sure you're from Texas? XD I'm xsorry, that was low :P

2008-07-18 [Bookwyrm]: -prods you- I am not always here purely for your amusement, you know! :P

He is too a kittah! -pokes her page- SEE?! HE'S RIGHT THERE! :P

-kicks you in the other shin- Yus I'm sure, yus I was raised around that word, and I still don't like it. -_- 'Tis rude. -crosses arms- I get called a 'coon-ass all the time because I'm Cajun, and I don't like that either. -grumps at rude people-

2008-07-18 [phoenixborn]: Actually? Yes, you are XD

He is not a kittah! That looks more like a bear with a tail!

Well in all honesty it's not something I ever say, it was just in my head cause of something a guy just said to me. And before you say, the guy was black :P

2008-07-19 [Bookwyrm]: XD No! Not always...just most of the time. :P

He ish to a kittah! -pats him- Call him a bear again...he'll eat you. :P

I didn't think it was, since I don't think I've ever heard you say it. And I don't think it's all right for black people to say it either. It's an ugly word. -_- -kicks it-

2008-07-19 [phoenixborn]: :O Are you saying you're sometimes here for other peoples amusement? *reaches for shotgun*

He's a bear *waits expectantly* And I'd much rather you ate me than him... XD

Ah but sadly, my dear the world is not governed by your opinions :P

2008-07-20 [Bookwyrm]: -bats eyelashes- Perhaps...

XD DAVID! -tackles you- You whore. <3 (he's a kittah)

Psh. The world is. Just not everyone's in on the truth yet. XD

2008-07-21 [phoenixborn]: ...*nails a "tresspassers will be shot" sign to your forehead and cocks shotgun*

I am no whore. I only give myself to special people, regardless of how much they pay :P And fine he's a goddam puppy :P

I am not governed by your opinions, and I am not an alien :P

2008-07-22 [Bookwyrm]: -bleeds...dies- :O

You're a whore to me. ^_^ He's not a puppy! He's a kitty! XD

Psh. You're just in the rest of the world.

2008-07-27 [Andy8178]: omg. I'm sex-deprived. I thought I'd put that out there =P

2008-07-27 [Bookwyrm]: Meeee too Andy. T___T

2008-07-28 [Andy8178]: Lol, you knew that after you said I do. Your fault =P

2008-07-28 [Bookwyrm]: T___T But...but...but! I married him! He's SUPPOSED to give me sex! ALL THE TIME! T___T /whine

2008-07-29 [phoenixborn]: Yes sugar but for you that really does mean ALL the time. He wouldn't even be allowed time to eat! Unless...*shakes head* Never mind XD

2008-07-29 [Bookwyrm]: SO?! I demand sex. All the time. Everything else can wait. His job is to service me. XD

2008-07-30 [phoenixborn]: His Job is to service his Country XD Ewww...Make sure you don't kiss him after work til he cleans his teeth XD

2008-07-30 [Bookwyrm]: -stares at you-...-vomits on your shoes-

You owe me for that. -drags you into closet-

2008-07-30 [Andy8178]: I want sex all the time too... I mean... I need to eat.. However The girl can provide that ;)

2008-07-30 [Bookwyrm]: XD Somehow, I expected that from you. However food is not necessarily what keeps Scott's...Call of Duty. But I can't complain...I'm addicted to that too. XD

2008-07-30 [Bookwyrm]: Note: Pets delivered. Restock welcomed! ^-^

2008-07-31 [Andy8178]: Good, that means I set the expectancy of getting something special ;)

2008-07-31 [Bookwyrm]: -giggles uncontrollably-

2008-07-31 [Andy8178]: Maybe we should take this conversation to messengers >_> =P

2008-07-31 [Bookwyrm]: -whistles innocently- Hum dee dum. Not sure what you mean...

2008-08-01 [Andy8178]: lol *looks at the red horns protruding through your head* mmmhmm sure.

2008-08-01 [Bookwyrm]: -bats eyelashes- Oh those? I thought they matched my flaming whip so very well...I just had them redone.

2008-08-01 [Andy8178]: haha, kinky.

2008-08-01 [Bookwyrm]: -nod- 'Course, now people are beginning to shout "apocalypse!" every time I enter a room...-sigh-

2008-08-01 [Andy8178]: eh? Who cares, at least the sex is good

2008-08-01 [Bookwyrm]: That's a great point...

2008-08-01 [Andy8178]: Haha, awesome ;)

2008-08-02 [My Sky's The Limit]: Sex? ;^;

2008-08-02 [Andy8178]: lol... Sex?.... I don't... Even like sex =P

2008-08-02 [Bookwyrm]: Of course not. There's nothing to like about sex. You must obsess over it. That's the only way to be. :P

2008-08-02 [Andy8178]: *thinks Traci should vaca down in Fl* >_>

2008-08-02 [Bookwyrm]: Thanks for the restock (that I apparently missed earlier XD)

-grins at Andy- Maybe one day. England is first. :P

2008-08-02 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: oh my you guys do like to talk O.O

2008-08-02 [My Sky's The Limit]: You're welcome :3~~

XD Yeah...>> I just throw myself in there XD

2008-08-02 [Andy8178]: *smells an affair at stake* *coughs.. Was I thinking out loud? >_>*

2008-08-02 [Bookwyrm]: XD I miss things when I pay too much attention to the comments. XD

Affair? Hardly. :P You know nothing about my marriage. XD

2008-08-02 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: i'l just pretend im not here...

oh wait..

too late.. you guys already did that


2008-08-02 [Bookwyrm]: No, I acknowledged your presence in my mind, but had no response to "oh my you guys do like to talk O.O." :P It was just sort of a statement, one that doesn't particularly require a response. :P

2008-08-02 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: yeah but its me.. you know i crave to be like the annoying child wanting attention xD

2008-08-02 [Bookwyrm]: I think you've achieved that, Jackie m'dear. :P -runs off to play CoD-

2008-08-02 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: my life is complete ^^

2008-08-03 [Andy8178]: *runs off to play MGS4*

2008-08-03 [shinobi14]: Pfft. CoD4 rules all, damnit!! >.<

Damn Traci... you are craving sex, aren't you? XD Patting your eyelids. Tut tut. ^___^

Ahhh... I love having a healthy sex life. Which means, my dear... *gets very close to Witchy's face* ... that I actually get some. ;)

Maybe Newcastle isn't the best place to start if you're going to England... >_>

2008-08-03 [Bookwyrm]: CoD4 does NOT rule all...just most of it. XD

Oh I have a very healthy sex life. Except when Scott's away on trips like he is now. I usually get it at least once a day, but when he's away for two goddamn weeks I get a little desperate. XD But not too desperate. -has not whored self out yet- XD

Well I may not start off in Newcastle. :P Mah lurfleh Tricky will be visiting us here in about two months or so, and then sometime after that we'll be visiting him in Torquay. :P Unfortunately Newcastle's nearly at the other end.

2008-08-03 [Andy8178]: Ahem... *points to MGS4 Perfect 10 score on Gamespot* cough. =)

2008-08-03 [Bookwyrm]: -ignores Andy- :P

2008-08-03 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: tricky? O.o

2008-08-03 [Bookwyrm]: Yus. Tricky. ^-^ One of Scott's friends from COD4 and COD2. ^-^ He's lurfleh. :D

2008-08-03 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: xD.. well.... i have to say.. thats one of the best excuses not to go to newcastle.. i just prefer "because its shit"

2008-08-03 [Bookwyrm]: XD David is worth it.

Unfortunately, I don't know if he's worth the six and a half hour drive plus gas costs. XD

2008-08-03 [Andy8178]: CoD4 is pretty cool, I'm just saying that MGS and GTA are better games lol

2008-08-03 [Bookwyrm]: Ugh. I hate GTA. -burns a copy-

2008-08-03 [Andy8178]: What's wrong with GTA?

2008-08-03 [Bookwyrm]: It's a crappy game. Altogether. It's just disgusting. -burns another copy-

2008-08-04 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: ... It is quite crappy... well no... the first two were shit... the third and vice city.. were good... the 5th and 6th.. (is it san andreas and liberty city stories?).. were shit.. and the newest is good xD

2008-08-04 [Andy8178]: Like I said... Waging war with the police is fun as hell ;)

2008-08-04 [Bookwyrm]: All crappy games. -burns them- :P -sticks to COD4-

2008-08-04 [shinobi14]: Cod4 yes. GTA? San Andreas, yeah. =] I like it. ^___^ The rest of them lick balls.

Jackie? That comment about Newcastle? I love it. <3

The problem with loving it, is that I love David more. *slaps Jackie on head*

2008-08-04 [Bookwyrm]: -giggles- Danny rawks again! -cheers- Other than the San Andreas comment. -burns another copy of GTA for the hell of it- 'Tis fun donchaknow.

2008-08-04 [Andy8178]: But anyways, GTA aint got nothin on Metal Gear Solid 4.... Omg that game is sex

2008-08-04 [Bookwyrm]: -ignores Andy- So anyway...

2008-08-05 [Andy8178]: MGS4 > Traci =)

2008-08-05 [Bookwyrm]: Traci > Andy...Oh no wait...Jackie > Andy...OH BURN! XD Sorry Jackie. -hug-

2008-08-06 [Andy8178]: Traci, don't even lol You're a housewife, I still have my freedom ^_^

2008-08-06 [Bookwyrm]: Andy, don't go there, it's not that hard for me to gain my freedom. -_-

2008-08-06 [Andy8178]: Alright Braveheart =P

2008-08-06 [Bookwyrm]: -dies of laughter-...'Kay...point for you. XD

2008-08-06 [phoenixborn]: Jackie? Fuck off. GTA 1, 2 and GTA London are the only GTAs worth playing.

2008-08-06 [Bookwyrm]: -grabs David and drags him into closet- You are absent, far, far too much m'dear.

2008-08-07 [Andy8178]: =P <3

2008-08-07 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: O.o.. which sometimes can be a good thing if your going to be grumpy >.>

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